Sponsor a Kallah

Sponsor a Kallah in honor of your simcha, in memory of a loved one or in the z'chus for a refuah shlaima. If you would like to sponsor a kallah on a specific date please let us know. All donations go straight to the cause as we have no paid staff. Thank you.

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Fifty Four Hundred $5,400                Forty Five Hundred $4,500
Chai Patron $3,600                Twenty Five Hundred $2,500
Chai Sponsor $1,800                One Thousand $1,000
Chai x Forty $720                Six Hundred $600
Five Hundred $500                Chai x Twenty $360
Two Hundred Fifty $250                Chai x Ten $180
Chai x Six $108                One Hundred $100
Chai x Four $72                Chai x Three $54
Fifty $50                Chai x Two $36
Twenty Five $25                Chai $18
Ten $10                Five $5
If you would like to donate an amount not shown, please contact us or click here.

In Honor of:
In Memory of:

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