The RAFFLE drawing will be held on 04/11/2024
Last day to purchase 04/09/2024

Nechama's Closet.
1227 President Street, Suite 2B
Brooklyn NY 11225

Esther 917-854-0092 (9-2pm only)
Menucha 347-922-3079 (Tues-Sun 8-10pm only)
Meir 347-812-4772 (6-9pm only)
Shira 347-419-2697 (11am-3pm only)

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Items should be claimed within 72 hours of the drawing. Sorry, no exchanges of prizes is possible. Photographs are for design purposes only. Actual prizes may differ from photographs appearing on website. We cannot take responsibility if a business closes. Please be sure to patronize our generous sponsors. Gift certificate expire 1 year from auction date unless otherwise noted.